It has been a long time since my husband has posted. I figured I would let yall know what he's been up to.
He's working hard. He's finding lots of small jobs here and there to pay the bills. He's been taking care of our dairy cows, running them through the pasture using intensive grazing. He's been converting the garden here to a no-till system. He's been making seed pots out of newspapers. He's been building a greenhouse. He's been learning as much as he can about grass fed beef and has been planning how to start up our own little grass fed business here on the farm. He has talked the landowners into paying to fence in a giant pasture, and right now is outside figuring how to brace the fence with H-frames, my daughter by his side playing. He's been driving a tractor, organizing and selling bee-shares, learning from local farmers, running spreadsheets with every possible farm enterprise to see what is profitable, and running a water line (with his father's help) to the back field where we hope to build a dairy barn. We've been keeping the kids up later in order to take advantage of the growing daylight hours to work on the farm. On top of that, he has his "day job." Jason hates the word "busy," but I would say that at the end of the day, when he would blog, he's just darn tired.
But don't worry. He'll be blogging again soon. Especially after the fence goes up. He's even found his herd of cows to grow for beef. It's all really exciting. I'll end with some pics, and and last with the video Jason made for a friend here who wanted to promote our grass fed beef CSA. We would love if yall here would buy some beef from us, or even donate to the cause. Above all, could you pray for us? We need to raise about $8,000 to start this operation. As Jason has said before, we have no capital right now and are compleley dependent on our community to make this happen. Its a scary, yet beautiful way to be.
Click here to watch the Grass Fed Beef CSA promo video.
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